Kitāb al-ghādhī wa-al-mughtadhī كتاب الغاذي والمغتذي Ibn Abī al-Ash‘ath, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ابن أبي الأشعث، أحمد بن محمد

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The record is made up of Codex A collection of pages, usually gathered into quires, and bound between covers. ; ff. ii+17+xxxiv. It was created in Dhū al-Qa‘dah 348. It was written in Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: Oriental Manuscripts.

About this record


A treatise on dietetics and the nourishment of the parts of the body by Abū Ja‘far Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī al-Ash‘ath (أبو جعفر أحمد بن محمد ابن أبي الأشعث; d. 360/970). The text is in two parts (مقالتان), divided into chapters (جمل), and further subdivided into sections (أبواب). This copy is missing Part One entirely and begins near the end of Chapter 2, Section 6. The copy was made at Mosul in Dhū al-Qa‘dah 348 (January-February 960) from the author's autograph copy written in Barqī Castle (قعلة برقي) in Armenia in Ṣafar 348 (April-May 959).

At the foot of folio 17v is a summary of the colophon Section at the end of a manuscript text. in Hebrew written in pencil presumably by M.W. Shapira, the manuscript's previous owner.


  • Chapter 2 (ff. 1r-4v);
  • Chapter 3: Nourishment of the Natural Soul and its Organs (الجملة الثالثة في اغتذاء الروح الطبيعية وآلاته [!]; five sections, f. 5r-6v);
  • Chapter 4: Nourishment of the Organs of Innate Power (الجملة الرابعة في اغتذاء آلات القوة المولدة; three sections, ff. 6v-12r);
  • Chapter 5: Nourishment of the Body Parts that Have Powers through themselves and Powers which Vivify (?) through them (الجملة الخامسة في اغتذاء الأعضاء التي لها قوى من أنفسها وقوى تحيها من عبرها; two sections, ff. 12r-13v);
  • Chapter 6: Nourishment of the Body Parts Through which there is no Responsibility (?) and which are not under Responsibility (?) (الجملة السادسة في اغتذاء الأعضاء التي ليست مسئولية على عبرها ولا عبرها مسئوليا عليها; ten sections, ff. 13v-17v).

Begins (f. 1r, lines 1-3):

... بتألف من الروح الحيواني ومن الهواء

الذي لا يوجد له رائحة بتة ويكون هذا التركيب

محمودًا ...

Ends (f. 17v, lines 1-3):

لم يكن بعد [...] لأعضاء وأحصائها وإنما كان

عرضي أن أذكر اغتذائها وقد ينبغي أن أقطع كلامي

في هذه المقالة واحد فيما يتلوها إن شاء الله

Colophon Section at the end of a manuscript text. (f. 17v, lines 4-13):

تمت المقالة

الثانية من كتاب الغاذي والمغتذي

وفيها يذكر الغذاء والاغتذاء صنعه

أحمد بن محمد بن محمد المعروف

بابن أبي الأشعث والحمد لله رب العلمين (!)

وعمل دستور هذه المقالة بقعلة

برقي من أرمينية في صفر سنة

ثمان وأربعين وثلثمائة

ونقلت بالموصل في ذي القعدة

من هذه السنة

Extent and format
Codex A collection of pages, usually gathered into quires, and bound between covers. ; ff. ii+17+xxxiv
Physical characteristics

Material: Paper

Dimensions: 260 x 160 mm leaf [230 x 130 mm written]

Foliation: British Museum foliation in pencil

Ruling: No ruling visible; an average of 21 lines per page; vertical spacing an average of 10 lines per 10 cm

Script: Naskh

Ink: Black

Binding: British Museum binding

Condition: Some tears and wormdamage repaired; text is defective at beginning

Marginalia: None

Written in
Arabic in Arabic script

Archive information for this record

Access & Reference

Original held at
British Library: Oriental Manuscripts
Access conditions


Archive reference
Or 2600

History of this record

Dhū al-Qa‘dah 348 (AH, Hijri qamari)
Context of creation


Immediate source of acquisition

Purchased from M. W. Shapira, 8 July 1882

Related material

Select Bibliography


  • Sezgin, Fuat, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums , vol. 3 (Leiden: Brill, 1970), pp 301-2
  • Ullmann, Manfred, Die Medzin im Islam (Leiden: Brill, 1970), pp. 138 and 200

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Kitāb al-ghādhī wa-al-mughtadhī كتاب الغاذي والمغتذي Ibn Abī al-Ash‘ath, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ابن أبي الأشعث، أحمد بن محمد, British Library: Oriental Manuscripts, Or 2600, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 5 October 2024]

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