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Press cuttings from The Times [‎38v] (2/8)

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The record is made up of 4 folios. It was created in 24 May 1879-29 May 1879. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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aicma .. o - i have taken out a
sunuuoiis in tlie wmdiujj-up proceedings ot the bauk, and
also ot Mobmi. Booker lor aa iiwpeciiou of all the Looks by
au accouutaut. We uLall no doubi procure an order, wLml-u
we will commence tb«t iuvestigatiou." The o^der autho
rizing Meiitr*. -hare and Fell u iiigned by a shari holder and
creditor ot tLe bank in Kriatol and ceuntersigned by the
Kiglit Hon. K. A. Crosi. The nair.ea of the directors in
the report presented at the meeting m 1^8, with tho
balance-, beet of 1877, are Mr. Jeroni Alurcfa, iiath (.cha.r-
man) ; Mr. Alexander Allen, Clifton ; the Kev. fiernloid
Brook# George, Oxford ; Mr. J. H. Selwyn Payne, Portis-
heau ; Mr. dement Lucas, Carditt ; and Mr. Joseph Coates
Coate*, Clilton. It is right, however, to »ay that after
the 1877 report wa« iwued tne Kev. H. B. George aud Mr.
(Jleinent Lucas retired, and that Mr. 0. J. 'l'hou.a« aud
Mr. H. G. Gardner, of Bristol, joined the Board. The
ofboertof the bank were Mr. J. Pomeroy Gilbert, geneial
manager ; Mr. John Defter, manager ; aud Mr.George John
Pickin, assiitant-manager. The allegation is that the
directors, in prteenting the two report# referred to, were
guilty of isaulng false statements.
The Home JKule Fakty axp the iScorcu E sti-
MATia.—Vtbterday afternoon an adjourned meeting of thp
Home Rul* members ot the House ot Oommons was held
at the Committee-rooKis, King-strtet, Westminster, Mr.
Brooks, M.P., presiding, and Mr. Callan M.P., acting as
secretary, in tne absence of Sir J. N. M'Kenna on
a comuiitteo of the House. Among the other mem-
bers present were Lord P. Couyugbam, Colonel
Colthurst, Major Nolan, Chevalier 0 Clery, Messrs. Moore,
bynan, Collins, Delahunty, and Parnell. Mr. A.
Moore, M.P., called attention to the Scotch Estimates
with special reference to votes for professorships in
divinity and ecclesiastical history, and, alter discussion, it
was resolved that they should be opposed, and a rtsoluuon
was passed reftrriug the subject to the Parliamentary com
mittee, with instructions tu draw up such amendmen s as
might be deemed necessary. The cha.rman reported Mr.
Shaw's acceptance of the post of chairinau of tne i>arty.
A Galaxy oy Princely Ancestoks .—Ihe young
Princess of baxe-Meiuingen, who was born on -May 12 at
the Villa Carlotta, near baos-Souci, is siugutaily well pro
vided with living ancestors, having no Inwer than two
great giundfathers aud foiir great-grandmothers still in
life. The great-grkndfuthers are the German Kmperor
William, now in his 83d year, and Duke Bernard, in nis
7i>th year. The great-grandmothers are—the Germair Em
press Augusta, now in her 68th year ; Her Majesty the
Queen, who completes her 60th year to-morrow;
Princess Mary Anne of the Netherlands (mother of the
late rrincess Charlotte of Prussia, whose son, the here
ditary Prince of Saxe-Meiuingen, is the father of the in
fant priucess), who completed her C9tb year a few days
ago; aud the Duchess Marv of Saxe-Meiningen, the
direct paternal great-grandmother of the infant. Besides,
both her grandfathers (the Crown Prince of Germany, now
in his -Igth year, and the reighing Duke of Saxe-Mein-
ingen, in bis 64th year) are living, but only one grand
mother, the Imperial Princess of Germany, mother of the
joiuui mother.

About this item


Press cuttings from The Times relating to the Duke of Argyll's attack in the House of Lords on Sir Lewis Pelly:

  • 24 May 1879 printed letter from the Duke of Argyll regarding Lord Elcho's intention to speak on the matter in the House of Commons and amending his accusations against Pelly to be accusations against his superiors.
  • 27 May 1879 printed response from Lord Elcho citing numerous references to the exemplary nature of Pelly's work there given in the House December 1878
  • Undated [28 May 1879?] printed letter from Lord Colin Campell regarding the Duke of Argyll and Lord Elcho's correspondence
  • 29 May 1879 summary of the disagreement as printed in The Times 24-29 May.
Extent and format
4 folios
Written in
English in Latin script
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Press cuttings from The Times [‎38v] (2/8), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, Mss Eur F126/10, ff 38-41, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 5 October 2024]

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