Press cuttings from The Times [41r] (7/8)
The record is made up of 4 folios. It was created in 24 May 1879-29 May 1879. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
livered the first over from the pavilion wicket. Both Mr.
Whitfeld and Mr. Jones left with the total at three. Mr.
A. G. Steel then joined Mr. Lyttelton and the bat-
ting soon began to triumph. Figures of large
size advanced the score. Eleven runs vere scored
from one over. Several bowling changes were resorted to.
At 6 25 the telegraph announced 100 runs scored, and
only 27 more were required to win the match. Every ball
was watched with sppcial interest, and in some cases with
anxiety. Mr. Lyttelton made a " sixer," which with
other telling hits brought up the total to within half a
dozen runs of the required number At 6 30 precisely
the bell announced " time," and the match was left in
the state described by thre score annexed :—
First Innings. Second Innlaga.
Mr. A. P. Lucas, b. A. G. Steel .. 70 a Plgg, b. Wood .. 23
Mr. 0. I. Thornton, c. Bub .,b. Morton 2 hit wkt, b. Wood .. It
Mr. I. D. Walkor, b. Morton .. .. 14 c. and b. Wood.. ,, 42
Mr. A. J Webbe, b. Morton .. .. 2 c. sub., b. Wood .. 0
Mr. T. 8. Pearson, b. Morton
Hon. E. Lyttelton, c. Ford, b. Wood 14 b. Ford
Mr.G. F. Vernon, st. Lyttelton, b, A.
4 absent 0
G. Steel
Mr.F. E, 11. Fryer, o. A. G. Steel, b.
Mr. J. Kobertson. b. Ford
Mr D. Buchanan, hot out
Mr. H. M. Mills, b. A. G. Steel
Lyes, 2 ; U-b., 1 ; w., 1 ..
14 c. and b. Wood..
3 c. Whitfeld, b. Ford11
8 o. Pigg, b. Wood ,. 2
4 not out 2
7 l.-b.-w., b. Wood ., 6
4 B.,4;l.-b.,4;w.,2;n.b.,i 11
Total 146
.. 126
Fine Innings.
Hon. A. Lyttflton, b. Buchanan
Mr. H. Whitfeld, b. Robertson
Mr. K. S. Jones, c. Mills, b. Robert
Mr. D. Q. Steel, b. Robertson..
Mr. L. K. Jarvls, b. Buchanan ,.
Mr. A F. Ford, c. Fryer, b. Robert
Mr. A G. Steel, c. and b, Pearson ..
Mr. U. P. Lancashire, c. Buchanan,
b. Robertson
Mr. C. Pigg, c. Pearson, b. Robertson
Mr. P. H. Morton, not out ..
Mr. H. W ood, c. and b. Robertson ..
L.-b., 1 ; w., 1
Second Innings.
32 not out ..
8 b. Buchanan ..
0 b. w., b Buchanan
8 not out ..
24 st. Mills, b. Lucas
Total 146
.. 122
On the Surrey fide Mr. Boyle officiated as captain, and
Mr. Marsham on that of Kent. Play began on Monday in
the Mote-park, Maidstone. The ground was in good order
and the weather fair. Surrey went fii'bt to tlTe wickets,
aud lost three of them for four runs. From the fourth to
the sixth nearly all the scoring of note resulted. The
innings lasted one hour and three-quarters and realized
<9 runs. Ekins is accredited with five wickets in six
overs, and Shaughnessy tour in 23 overs. The Kent bats
men started indifferently. Three wickets three runs.
Hearne resisted lies and Southerton bravely until 60 runs
were recorded as a total, towards which he contributed
more than half. The three wickets now to fall added 14,
and"Bt 4 o'clock the innings terminated. When the day's
play ceased five wickets of Surrey's second innings were
lost for 82 runs. On the following morning the remaining
six wickets fell so rapidly that five runs only resulted,
thus making a total of 87. Kent required 93 runs to win.
Towards this number two bats contributed nearly half,
but the rest averaged less than three runs each. The
Surrey colts won the match by 19 runs. Full score
First Innings.
E. W. Hooker (Clapham) c, Ekins, b.
J. Lynn (Clapham), run out .. ..
F. Cumber (Keahill), c. and b.
C. Jones (Carshalton), o. Mart b.^B
~ uulett Ob. Candli
- g-_ Coombea. ^
Second Inning*.
run out
run out
21 c. and b. Shaughnessy 17
< 0
A force of Royal Marines, consisting of eight companie
of infantry and two companies of artillery, has been placed
under orders to embark at the beginning of next week for
service in Zululand. A total number of 1,130 officers, non
commissioned officers, and men composes this body of the
Royal Marine forces. Lieut.-Col. R. W. B. Hunt will be
in command.
This morning a detachment consisting of 100 non-com
missioned officers and men of the Supply Branch of the
Army Service Corps will leave Woolwich for Portsmouth
to embark for active service at the Cape of Good Hope.
A draft from the 23d Royal Welsh Fusiliers, stationed
at Woolwich, will also leave at the same time to embark
for conveyance to Gibraltar.
The Euphrates, Indian troopship, Captain Brownrigg,
will embark reinforcements to-day for Natal, and will sail,
according to present arrangements, early to-morrow morn
ing. She will take out from Portsmouth 1,095 men from
various regiments, three horses, and the following
officers :—Col. Owen, 88th Foot ; Major Barnes, 35th
Foot; Capt. Hamilton, 3d Foot ; Capt. Ballantyne, 11th
Foot; Capt. Jocelyn, 8th Foot ; Capt. Vanrenen, 109th
Foot ; Capt. Hannay, 93d Foot; Lieut. Heron-Maxwell,
7th Foot; Lieut. Law, 77th Foot ; Lieut. Hutton, 52d (
Foot ; Lieut. Hardy, 3d Battalion Rifle Brigade ; Lieut, i
Gould, 2d Dragoon Guards ; Lieut. Martin, 87th Foot ;
Lieut. Dick, 103d Foot ; Lieut. Liptrott, 104th Foot
Lieut. White, 53d Foot. Liut. Baynes, 75th Foot ; Lieut., ]
Brotherton, R.E. ; Capt. Ward, 90th Foot ; Capfc. Fryer;* n
Ist Battalion Rifle Brigade ; Capt. Cavaye, 107th Regi- M
ment; Capt. Marryat, 77th Foot ; Lieut. Schank, 91st of
Foot ; Lieut. O'Donnell, 3d Foot ; Lieut. Wells, 4th Bat
talion 60th Rifles ; Lieut. Reynolds, 3l8t Foot ; Lients.
Farmer, Herbert, and Garrett, Ist Battalion 60th Rifles ;
Lieut. Evans, 23d Foot; Lieut. Wilson, 4th Dragoon
Guards ; Lieut. Jefferson, 33d Foot ; Lieuts. Bovle and
O'Dell, 52d Foot ; Lieut. Watson, 30th Foot ; Lieut.
Haldane, 49th Foot; Lieut, of Orderlies J. Troy, Army
Hospital Corps ; Lieut. Penrose, R.E. ; Assistant-Commis
saries Cook and Markwick, and Sub-Asaistant-Commissary
Johnson of the Army Service Corps ; Surgeon-Major
Hector and Surgeons Stokes and Ryan of the Army
Medical Department ; and civilian Surgeon R. B. Lesslie.
The Euphrates is ordered to call at Queenstown and
embark on the 3d of June Capt. Buller, 94tb Foot ; Capt.
Crofton and Lieut. St. George, of the 38th Foot ; and 226
men ; thus making a total of 48 officers, 1,321 men and
three horses. This total includes the 740 volunteers who
concentrated at Portsmouth from all parts of England
and Scotland, and 226 volunteers from corps in Ireland.
These will join the various regiments at Natal in the fol
lowing proportions 104 men to join the 2d Battalion 4th
Foot, 100 to join the 80th Foot, 306 to join the 24th Foot,
47 to join the 68th Foot, 117 to join the Ist Battalion 13th
Foot, 20 to join the 99th Foot, 34 to join the 2d Battalion
3d Foot, 91 to join the 57th Foot, 54 to join the 91st Foot,
26 to join the 90th Foot, 34 to join the 2d Battalion 2l8t
Foot, 62 to join the 94th Foot, and 11 who have not been
A divisional order was issued at Alderahot yesterday
afternoon directing that the undermentioned officers and
drafts are to leave the camp to-morrow and p roceed L,
march route to
pn <i
oo .
, 40
M 6 ?^ 0V( T r froin the P avilio n wicket. Both Mr.
. "V- J, an ^ 1 l r - Jone8 left with the total at three. Mr
A. U. bteel then joined Mr. Lyttelton and the bat
ting soon began to triumph. Figures of We
size advanced the score. Eleven runs vere scored
rom one over. Several bowling changes were resorted to.
i or the t 61 ®*™? 11 announced 100 runs scored, and
only -7 more were required to win the match. Every ball
was watched with special interest, and in some cases with
f'.. ^Jtolton made a " sixer," which with
other telling hits brought up the total to within half a
dozen runs of the required number At 6 30 precisely
the bell announced " time," and the match was left in
tne state described by the score annexed :
First Inuinus.
Mr. A. P. Lucan, b. A. G. Steel
Mr. O. I. Thornton, c. sub.,b. Morton
Mr. I. D. Walkor, b. Morton .. ..
Mr. A. J, Webbe, b. Morton .. .,
Mr. T. 8. PearHun, b. Morton
J' 0 ": E. Lvttelton, o. Ford. b. Wood 14 b. Ford
Mr.O. 1). Vernon, st. Lytteltou, b. A.
Second Innlaga.
70 a Plgg, b. Wood .. 23
2 hit wkt., b. Wood .. U
14 c. and b. Wood.. .. 42
2 c. gub., b. Wood .. 0
" absent o
i 8
e 'j
O. Steel .. H .P
Mr.F. E. li. Fryer, a a. G. Steel, b!
Mr. J. Hobertson. b. Ford
Mr D. Buchanan, not out
Mr. H. M. Mills, b. A. G. Steel
Biea, 2 ; L-b., 1 ; w., 1 ..
14 c. and b. Wood.,
c. Whitfeld, b. Ford
c. Pigg, b. Wood
not out ..
l.-b.-w., b. Wood
i .-u .-w,, o. »OOU 8
B.,4;l.-b.,4; w.,2; n.b.,! 11
.. .. 146
Firn Innings.
H od . A. Lytt«lton, b. Buchanan
Mr. H. Whitfeld, b. Kohertson
Mr. K. S. Jones, c. Mills, b. iiobert-
Mr. I>. Q. Steel, b. Robertson..
Mr. L. K. JarvU. b.
Mr. A. F, Ford, c. iryer, b. Robert
Mr. A. G. Steel, c. and b, Pearson ..
Mr. O. P. Lancashire, c. Buchanan,
b. Robertson
-V'KK. c. Pearsoo, b. Robertson
Mr. P. U. Morton, not out
Mr. H. Wood, c. and b. Robertson ..
L.-b., 1 ; w., 1
Second Innings.
32 not out 77
8 b. Buchanan .. .. Q
h. w.. b Buchanan
not out .,
st. Mills, b. Lucas
k of
On the Surrey gido Mr. Boylo officiated as captain, and
Mr. Marsham on that of Kent. Play began on Monday in
the Mote-park, Maidstone. The ground was in good order
and the weather fair, Surrey went first to the wickets,
and lost three of them for four runs. From the fourth to
the sixth nearly all the scoring of note resulted. The
innings lasted one hour and three-quarters and realized
i J runs. Ekins is accredited with five wickets in six
overs, and Shauglinessy tour in 23 overs. The Kent bats
men started indifferently. Three wickets three runs,
liearne resisted lies and Southerton bravely until 60 runs
were recorded as a total, towards which he contributed
more than half. The three wickets now to fall added 14,
and^t 4 o'clock the innings terminated. When the day's
play ceased five wickets of Surrey's second innings were
lost lor 82 ruas. On the following morning the remaining
six wickets fell so rapidly that five runs only reunited,
thus making a total of 87. Kent required 93 runs to win
Towards tins number two bats contributed nearly half
but the rest averaged less than three runs each. The
Surrey colts won the match by 19 runs. Full score
p \v J Dn /nf 3- 1, . T,,, . Second Inning*.
B. W. Hooker (Claphatn) c, Ekins, b.
J. Lynn (Ciapham), run out .. ,
F. Oomber (Kedhili), c. and b.
C. Joues (Carshalton), o. Mart b.
- 'Pi.< -• n C'oombea, bi
run out
run out
21 o. and b. Shaughnessy
0 b. Candle 4 '
naval and military intelligence.
A force of Royal Marines, consisting of eight companie
of infantry and two companies of artillery, has been placed
under orders to embark at the beginning of next week for
service in Zululand. A total number of 1,130 officers, non
commissioned officers, and men composes this body of the
Royal Marine forces. Lieut.-Col. R. W, B. Hunt will be
in command.
This morning a detachment consisting of 100 non-com-
missioned officers and men of the Supply Branch of the
Army Service Corps will leave Woolwich for Portsmouth
to embark for active service at the Cape of Good Hope.
A draft from the 23d Royal Welsh Fusiliers, stationed
at Woolwich, will also leave at the same time to embark
for conveyance to Gibraltar.
The Euphrates, Indian troopship, Captain Brownrigg
will embark reinforcements to-day for Natal, and will sail]
according to present arrangements, early to-morrow morn
ing. She will take out from Portsmouth 1,095 men from
various regiments, three horses, and the following
officers Col. Owen, 88th Foot ; Major Barnes, 35th
*oot ; Capt. Hamilton, 3d Foot; Capt. Ballantyne, 11th
J>oot j Capt. Jocelyn, 8th Foot} Capt. Vanrenen, 109th
*oot;Capt Hannay, 93d Foot; Lieut. Heron-Maxwell,
7.h l oot; Lieut. Law, 77th Foot ; Lieut. Hutton, 52d
Foot; Lieut. Hardy, 3d Battalion Rifle Brigade ; Lieut.
Gould, 2d Dragoon Guards ; Lieut. Martin, 87th Foot :
Lieut. Dwk, 103d Foot; Lieut. Liptrott, 104th Foot;
Lieut. hite, 53d Foot. Liut. Baynes, 75th Foot ; Lieut
Brotherton, R.E. ; Capt. Ward, 90th Foot ; Capfc. Fryer
ist Battalion Rifle Brigade; Capt, Cavaye, 107th Regi
ment ; Capt. Marryat, 77th Foot ; Lieut. Schank, {(Ist
toot; Lieut, O'Donnell, 3d Foot ; Lieut. Wells, 4th Bat
talion 60th Rifles ; Lieut, Reynolds, 31st Foot; Lieuts.
l armer, Herbert, and Garrett, Ist Battalion 60th Rifles ;
Lieut Evans, 23d Foot; Lieut, Wilson, 4th Dragoon
Guards ; Lieut. Jefferson, 33d Foot ; Lieuts. Boyle and
ODell, 52d Foot; Lieut. Watson, 30th Foot ; Lieut.
Haldane, 49th Foot ; Lieut, of Orderlies J. Troy, Army
Hospital Corps ; Lieut. Penrose, R.E. ; Assistant-Commis
saries Cook and Markwick, and Sub-Assistant-Commissary
Johnson of the Army Service Corps ; Surgeon-Major
Hector and Surgeons Stokes and Ryan of the Army
Medical Department ; and civilian Surgeon R, B. Lt-sslie.
Ihe Euphrates is ordered to call at Queenstown and
embark on the 3d of June Capt. Buller, 94th Foot ; Capt.
Crofton and Lieut. St. George, of the 38th Foot; and 226
men ; thus making a total of 48 officers, 1.321 men and
three horses. This total includes the 740 volunteers who
concentrated at Portsmouth from all parts of England
and Scotland, and 226 volunteers from corps in Ireland
These will join the various regiments at Natal in the fol
lowing proportions :-104 men to join the 2d Battalion 4th
Foot, 100 to join the 80th Foot, 306 to join the 24th Foot
4/ to join the 68th Foot, 117 to join the Ist Battalion 13th
Foot, 20 to join the 99th Foot, 34 to join the 2d Battalion
Jd Foot, 91 to join the 57th Foot, 54 to join the 91st Foot
26 to join the 90th Foot, 34 to join the 2d Battalion 21st
Foot, 62 to join the 94th Foot, and 11 who have not been
A divisional order was issued at Aldershot yesterday
afternoon directing that the undermentioned officers and
drafts are to leave the camp to-morrow and proceed by
march route to Portsmouth, there to embark on the 2d
proximo on board the transport Egypt for conveyance to
Natal—viz.. Major G. Salis-Schwabe, 16th Lancers ; Capt.
the Hon. R. Talbot, 1st Life Guards ; Lieut. Howard, 16th
Lancers ; three sergeants, 73 rank and file, and 150 horses
w ™ h „. LanCer8 ' aQd Capt - L - H - Bouwens, Lieut.
V. H. Williams, Veterinary Surgeon C. Phillips, two
sergeants, 44 rank and file, and 150 horses of the Royal
Artillery. ^
The following parties have arrived at Aldershot pre-
vmns to embarking for Natal-vi z ., two non-commissioned
officers, 15 men, and 50 horses of the 5th Lancers from
Hi sea and Brighton, and three non-commissioned officers,
lo men, and 50 horses of the 6th Dragoons from Edinburgh
to join and form part of the draft for tho 17th Lancers ;
seven men and 13 horses of the Royal Artillery from
Ipswich, seven men and 13 horses from Hilsea, six men
aud 65 horses from ^Voolwioh, seven men and 13 horses
from Coventry, and seven men and 13 horses from
\\ eedon, to form part of the draft of the Royal Artillery
ordered to embark for Natal. One sergeant, 12 men, and
26 horses of the Army Service Corps from Woolwich, to
form a portion of the draft of that corps.
In compliance with orders issued at Aldershot on Tues-
day Lieucs. Brotherton and Penrose, two sergeants,
and 78 rank a ud file of the Royal Engineers, nine con
ductors and 15 men of the Transport Branch, Army Service
Corp., under Lieut. Boyle, 52d Light Infantry, Lieut,
of Orderlies Troy, six staff sergeants, 10 sergeants, and
ch!r/«!IfH tr ^ Ho8 P ital Uorps, under
charge of Surgeon-Major J. Hector, will march from AJd-r
shot this morning to the Farnboroagh station. South.*
tstern Raiiway and proceed by a special train to Ports
mouth Dockyard and embark in Her Majesty's ship
Euphrates for conveyance to Natal.
A Renter's telegram, dated Palermo, May 28, say. »-
Her Majesty s ship Defence returned here to-day."
A Center's telegram, dated Alexandria, May 28, says j—
Her Majesty s frigate Raleigh sailed to-day for Malta."
The Secretary of State for War has approved the
issue of ^ajuities, in accordance with the provisions con
tained in the Army Circulars, to the non-commissioned
officers and men awarded medals for long service aud good
conduct. The investment or payment of these gratuities
Mav WrcT ^i ,08iti0n 0f fciie men on of
May, 1879, from which date interest will be allowed on
the sums invested.
Capt S. Flower, 86th Regiment, has been appointed to
succeed Capt. D. F. Jones, Royal Artillery, as garrison
the ap^ointment. dl8triCt ' ^ ^ having
Nearly ail operations have ceased for a time at the metal
mills m Chatham Dockyard in consequence of it having
been found necessary to put the whole of the machinery
under thorough repair. A number of the men will have to
stand off while the repairs are being executed.
the co.
gence c
11 of in
17 deat
from ci
by hon
hole ; j
down i
63, by
An inc
two, w
ton, or
E ast L ondon H ospital for C hildren .—The
fn n th a « ) meot , mg of the governors of this hospital was held
in the board-room on luesday afternoon, Mr. T CharriiiL'
ton, in the absence of Lord Enfield presidini? Frnm
report it appeared that the total number of patients trent H
during the financial year of the hosDital~vi, fr^ ^
1st of May, 1878, to the 30th of AwiKtl^f Z tho
out-patient., in-patients, and casualty cases m m
and the number of attendances of out-patients and casualty
cases, old and new* aiuouiit^d tr* 5^ th . y
amounted to ^,728 12. 7d S gro8 » ff^Pt"
£6 29? l/>a SH T<v ^ L i , expenditure to
t,0,AM lbs. 8d. From the balance-sheet it appeared that
the sum in hand only amounts to £2,044 Os 3d f!w) *f
which is not available, as by a deed of eift it has tn K •
vestod towards the maintenance of a special cot^ VL
mittee are thus left with little more than three months'
funds at their command. The report was adopted
T he F armers ' A lliancb .—Mr. Barclay M P
presided on at the Westminster Palace Hotel at a
meeting of the prorisional committee appointed some time
were p .,'M^Bknnerht^eTtfMP^ feTT
Verney Anglesea ; and Mr. O. J. Edwwds, BroSton
Kent. The nrogramme referred from the pub ic Wero^
was the chief matter under discussion. The ob/ects set
forth in it are— to secure the better representation of
tenant farmers in Parliament; to stimulate and encouraae
the improved cultivation of the land, by civimi JrnriZ ?
the capital of tenants invested in tK Tmp^vemS of
their holdings , to obtain the abolition of class privileecs
involved in the laws of distress and hvoothec • tn «
t nn ref ^ rrD of tlle ? ame Ia ^ 8 > to Obtain the alteration of
aiyegal presumption, which operate unfairly against tenant
farmers ; to .ecure the ratepayers their legitimate share fn
county government and a fair apportionment of local
* iT objects were unanimously approved
and the following, after discussion, added s—Encourajre-
ment of greater freedom in the cultivation of the soil and
the sale of Produce ; and a fair distribution of local burdens
between landlord and tenant. The secretary (Mr W E
Bear) reported that the committee had received accessions
from all parts of the country. It was resolved to bniH
conference of members of the Alliance in Exeter -hall on
Jidy 2, during the Royal Agricultural Show. It wm iko
resolved to .end out circulars inviting .upport from the
farming classes and all interested in agricultural nro
spenty It was arranged to take steps with a view
Tn rhlTvU^ ever y ^y and
Li P a«tnft t may be T . ftllowed the pretence that it is
an assault at arms. It appears that a few evenings igo an
^ Norwich Corn-hall under the
title of an assault at arms, and that at this entertainment
two men named Shaw and Emms fought 48 rounds when
they were stopped by the referee. Emms, Shaw Wat™
anda number of other persons were charged on' Monday
with Msembling for the purposes of a fight for a £10
10 eoie '
A m determined »ct of suicide was com-
IdLht Tha W t nb - Ur V nd Bewdle y Railway on Monday
Wvri'ir . 1 !' t i tram ! rom Bewdley to Ludlow had le/t
Vyre 1 orest station, and when near CMoburv Mortimer
young woman emerged from the forXf Sw^y wfere
she is suppossd to have been wftitinu ♦v.T. y ' V ?
.hot„l n P , n „ walked Sb'.^.TdWl
between the metals in front of the comiil train Thl
the . woma " 'tanding on fho lino, blew
train Tkf t Dgbe alld endeavoured to stop the
train. Ihe woman, however, did not move and nb* noo
" cleo -
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About this item
- Content
Press cuttings from The Times relating to the Duke of Argyll's attack in the House of Lords on Sir Lewis Pelly:
- 24 May 1879 printed letter from the Duke of Argyll regarding Lord Elcho's intention to speak on the matter in the House of Commons and amending his accusations against Pelly to be accusations against his superiors.
- 27 May 1879 printed response from Lord Elcho citing numerous references to the exemplary nature of Pelly's work there given in the House December 1878
- Undated [28 May 1879?] printed letter from Lord Colin Campell regarding the Duke of Argyll and Lord Elcho's correspondence
- 29 May 1879 summary of the disagreement as printed in The Times 24-29 May.
- Extent and format
- 4 folios
- Written in
- English in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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- Reference
- Mss Eur F126/10, ff 38-41
- Title
- Press cuttings from The Times
- Pages
- 38v, 39v, 40v:41r
- Author
- East India Company, the Board of Control, the India Office, or other British Government Department
- Usage terms
- Open Government Licence