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Anonymous collection of lance drills [‎10r] (18/19)

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The record is made up of Ff. 1v-10v. It was created in 870. It was written in Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: Oriental Manuscripts.

About this item


Collection of instructions for military drills for lancers. Each set of instructions for a drill is called a band (بند, pl. بنود). The fragment contains 26 bunūd most of which are attributed to companions of the Prophet. Although no title or author of the fragment is specified, it is probable that its contents are ultimately derived from the lance master Najm al-Dīn al-Aḥdab al-Rammāḥ (نجم الدين الأحدب الرماح, d. 1296; see al-Sarraf, 'Mamluk Furūsīyah Literature and Its Antecedents', Mamlūk Studies Review 8.1 [2004], p. 173). For a similar collection of bunud explicitly attributed to Najm al-Dīn, see Muḥammad ibn Īsá al-Aqṣarā’ī, Nihāyat al-su’l , Ta‘līm 2, Bāb 2 (British Library, Add. MS 18866, ff. 51v-57v).

Begins (f. 1v, lines 2-5):

بند المجموع الكبير

لأبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه

حمائلي، عقبية، زندية، قدام.

كفية، ظهرية، دبوقة، مستعصب

Ends (f. 10v, lines 6-10):

... بند التطويب

لف حمائلي، تسلم إلى شمالك استقبله

مسك استوا بضرب دبوقة، استقبله بيدك

اليمين من تحت الرمح بتسريح، وقربصة ونشل

Extent and format
Ff. 1v-10v
Written in
Arabic in Arabic script
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Anonymous collection of lance drills [‎10r] (18/19), British Library: Oriental Manuscripts, Add MS 14056, ff 1v-10v, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 6 October 2024]

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