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'File 8/9 Bahrain Government Annual Report' [‎99r] (202/298)

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The record is made up of 1 volume (145 folios). It was created in 16 Jul 1930-11 Jul 1931. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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the direct supervision of Mr. Adhaii, the Inspector of
Education who arranged the programmes of the schools and
suorni b Led tnem uo "fcriQ councils ion ctpiDPOYol*
The existence of these councils of education, composed
almost entii Ox persons with no loi owl edge or experience
is oi no real assistance to the government and is the cause
of constant disputes. Their only advantage is that they
are able to encourage the public to send their children
to school. It would be far more satisfactory if all
educational matters were dealt with by Shaikh Abdulla
nimself, repxesenting the government, v/ith the assistance
o± the Inspector ox Hue at ion who is well Qualified to
supervise the public education.
he?/ masters .
At the end of the previous term all the teaching staff
were given notice. Five new masters and three Semale
teachers were recruited from Syria. They were selected
by the Inspector of Education and Shaikh Mohomed bin Isa
alKhalifah, who was, as usual spending the summer in
Syria. One of them, the headmaster of the Manama school
had been previously recommended by the Beyrout University,
the others were provided by the Islamieh College of Beyrout.
A certain number of the old teachers ?/ere re-engaged to
gether with three of the j^ouths who were educated by the
government in Beyrout, and three Shia teachers wrere obtained
with much difficulty, from Iraq for the Shia schools. The
new staff were taken on regular contracts and agreed to
the rules and regulations for the teaching staff Y/hich had
been previously prepared and printed by the Government,
tne scale of pay was laid dovn at definite rates according
bo the qualifications of the teachers. The Majlis dis
approved of this as they considered that the local men
should be paid more.

About this item


The volume contains the annual Government of Bahrain reports for the years AH 1348 and 1349. Both reports include budgets for the upcoming year and are written by the Adviser to the Bahrain Government, Sir Charles Dalrymple Belgrave.

The reports are submitted by Belgrave to the Political Agent A mid-ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Agency. at Bahrain, Charles Geoffrey Prior, who then forwards them to the Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. in the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. , at Bushire. The correspondence relating to this process are included in the volume.

The 1348 report (folios 8-68), submitted in July 1930, is divided into sections corresponding to a particular subject, as follows: Budget 1349; Notes on Budget, for 1349; Notes on Revenue for 1348; Notes on Expenditure; Education; Judicial; Public Works; Wakf Departments; Municipalities; General.

The report includes an index (folio 8) which lists the sections in alphabetical order, with reference to page numbers. Most of these page numbers are not present in the document itself.

The 1349 report (folios 76-134), submitted in July 1931, is divided in a similar way, as follows: Budget 1350; Statements of Receipts and Expenditure; Comparative analysis; The Pearl Industry; Police and Public Security; Land Department; Education; Manamah Municipality; Muharrak [Muharraq] Municipality; Agriculture; Quarantine; Electricity; Press Propaganda; General. There is no index.

Folio 69 is a letter from Belgrave to Prior regarding two Bahraini boys educated at the American University of Beyrout [Beirut].

Folios 135-37 are correspondence between Prior and Claud Cranbrook Lewis de Grenier, Director of Customs at Bahrain, regarding a recent drop in trans-shipment duty in Bahrain.

The volume contains the following photographs:

  • Jaffariah School (folio 45);
  • Manamah-Muharrak [Manama-Muharraq] Bridge (two photographs, folio 46);
  • a new "sea road" north of the Customs House (folio 57);
  • a new quarantine site (two photographs, folio 115).

Folio 116 is a blueprint of the new quarantine.

Extent and format
1 volume (145 folios)

The volume is arranged chronologically.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the main foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 147; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. An additional foliation sequence is present in parallel between ff 25-70; these numbers are also written in pencil, but are not circled, and are located in the same position as the main sequence. A previous foliation sequence, which is also circled, has been superseded and therefore crossed out.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'File 8/9 Bahrain Government Annual Report' [‎99r] (202/298), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/2/306, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 27 July 2024]

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